Special Needs Education

English blog posts and specialist articles on the subject of special needs education.

Special needs education

When overmotivated parents harm their children

In between violin lesson, early English and homework: More and more parents are putting their offspring under enormous pressure to perform out of concern for the future prospects of their children. An entire production industry benefits from this. But the little ones suffer. Experts regard this as an alarming aberration.

International Symposium Autism (IFA) Contribution I

International symposium "Autism Today - New Perspectives, International Developments"

The International Conference on Autism of the Institute for Further Education, Counselling and Research in Disability Assistance IFBFB (www.ifbfb.de) was held in Berlin from 22 to 23 November 2012 under the leadership of PD Dr. Ernst Wüllenweber and Prof. Dr. Georg Theunissen.

Baking apple pie with children

In autumn many fruits ripen in our region. The most common type of fruit is the apple. Apples can be processed into delicious meals in the kindergarten.

Aggressive children and the anger of adults

Recently I gave a lecture to curative educators, educators and social educators on the developmental interests of children who behave aggressively. The central theme was the consideration of what children need in order to arrange themselves peacefully with each other.

Internet project bidok

The internet project bidok - bdisability inklusion dokumentation was founded in 1997 at the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Innsbruck.

First medal at Paralympics

Concratulation! Manuela Schmermund won the first medal at the Paralympics in China for the German team. The 36-year-old from Hesse won silver in air rifle shooting. And how Manuela Schmermund had to fight! In the preliminary round things didn't go well for her, she only finished 4th.

Creation of an autism blog

My special interest autism and the establishment of an autism blog
For one year now, I have been a state-approved bachelor special needs teacher (curative teacher) in Berlin. I have been working for almost two years as an individual case assistant for two children with autism and was also involved in a research project dedicated to the concerns, lifestyles and support needs of aging parents with adult sons and daughters living at home.

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