Special Needs Education

English blog posts and specialist articles on the subject of special needs education.

Special needs education

Does Santa Claus exist?

The following correspondence between Virginia O'Hanlon and Francis P. Church dates back to 1897 and was printed every year at Christmas time on the front page of the newspaper for more than half a century - until the "Sun" was discontinued in 1950.

The fear of speaking

It is embarrassing for those affected, especially when, as in most cases, it occurs in stressful situations: stuttering. This speech disorder is unjustifiably often associated with stupidity and the affected people laughed at. Professional help from a therapist is needed here.

ElFamBe - A participatory research project at the KHSB

In May 2010 [1], the research project: Older parents and adult family members with disabilities at home - Innovative counselling and support services in the process of replacement (ElFamBe) was initiated at the Catholic University of Social Sciences in Berlin (KHSB).

"I don't want to eat this!"

Our modern time is characterized by hectic and stress. In patchwork families, children in particular suffer from the fact that their parents have too little time for them. Working parents can't bring their children to school, they hardly have time to help them with their homework, and they often cut back on nutrition.

Breaking down barriers in the head

Share now: Action day for the equality of people with disabilities - Warburg. "What kind of society do we want to live in?" This question concerns everyone. Yesterday the residents of the Heilpädagogisches Therapie- und Förderzentrum St. Laurentius (HPZ) gave answers.

Breaking down head barriers

Share now: Action day for the equality of people with disabilities - Warburg. "What kind of society do we want to live in?" This question concerns everyone. Yesterday the residents of the Heilpädagogisches Therapie- und Förderzentrum St. Laurentius (HPZ) gave answers.

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