Herbst in der Familie erleben

Slowly it is getting colder outside and darker faster. Autumn enchants us with its colourful leaves. This is the most beautiful time, because nature has the most to offer in this season. Children like the change of seasons and don't just accept it as the turn of the year.
Children experience the change of nature with ...
Children experience the change of nature and marvel at how nature colours the trees during walks. Many questions arise, such as "Do the ducks freeze in autumn? Or "Why does it rain leaves from the sky? We adults are hardly aware of this, as the change of seasons is a matter of course for us. But due to growing media consumption, children are also becoming increasingly alienated from the natural spectacles. This gave me the opportunity to write this article. Perhaps they remember themselves their childhood and how they experienced this time.
The autumn time is a fantastic treasure trove, because nature has the most to offer here. A nice occupation is, for example, the handicrafts with chestnuts. With the help of matches and some glue you can make funny chestnut figures or a chestnut caterpillar.
Of course the common walk through the forest or a park should not be missing. There the children can observe falling leaves, feed ducks and collect beautiful treasures of nature (e.g. acorns, chestnuts, seeds, fruits, berries, twigs, cones ...). Children love to romp and in autumn it is a good idea to build a pile of leaves. Collect lots of leaves with your children and let them jump in the leaves. This gives the children a lot of fun and a walk is never boring.
Who has a garden, ...
If you have a garden, you can collect fruit with the children and process it together. Children love to help in the kitchen and want to be active. Children already practice baking cakes in the sandbox. So when they bake a cake, children can be involved. Besides, they learn how to tough and order. For example, you can also collect rose hips and make rose hip tea together with the child. The fruits of the rose hip can be harvested from August to late autumn. Or they can go to the market together and let their children choose for themselves.
Letting kites fly will never go out of fashion. If it is particularly windy, a hill or mountain is naturally a good place for kite flying.
If it's just raining and stormy outside, you can make yourself comfortable inside. Just offer your children something to paint. Painting templates are available free of charge on the Internet or you can copy them from books. Children enjoy brushing large leaves with paint and printing them with the painted side on a white sheet of paper. Even the very youngest can do that.
They can read a story to their children. The Halloween season is a particularly scary time for a story. And of course carving the pumpkin together is fun. You can cook a pumpkin soup from the flesh.
When the lantern festival is due, you can make your own lantern with the child, e.g. with torn transparent paper and paste. Glass wall lights can also be easily made with the help of paste and transparent paper snippets.
There are many children's songs about autumn. A selection of autumn songs can be found here at www.heilpaedagogik-info.de/herbstlieder.html.
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- Erstellt am 06.10.2019
- Geschrieben von Diana Saft